
Mug Cake for a Rainy Day

Lately, I have fallen in love with mug cakes. They are the perfect little snacks that you and your friends or siblings can cook up in under 5 minutes and the are delicious! Below is my favorite recipe for mug cakes! Enjoy!

Peanut Butter Chocolate Mug Cake

1/2 cup of all purpose flour

1/4 cup cocoa powder

1/2 t. baking powder

5 T. sugar

1/4 t. salt

1/2 cup chocolate almond milk

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

2 T. peanut butter (it can be creamy or crunchy)

whipped cream

1. Put all the dry ingredients together in a large mug. Mix them softly with a fork until there are no clumps left.
2. add in milk and olive oil slowly, while whisking it together. Mix until the batter has a consistency of brownie mix and if you get any on the sides, scrape them into the batter.
3. Drop the peanut butter in, both tablespoons at once. Do not mix or push it down, just let it sink in by itself.
4. Place a paper towel over the mug and put it in the microwave for 1 minute on high or until the edges start pulling away from the sides of the mug.
5. Scoop into individual bowls, add whipped cream on top and eat warm.

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