
Exciting News For the Blog!

ATTENTION to you all, Mormon Teen Fashionista is going to be getting a whole new look! The changes will happen THIS FRIDAY. When I created the blog, I was not thinking about how the name was really limiting the audience! I have now officially decided to rename the blog!  It is going to be called A Spoonful Of Sugar and here is the exciting news, it is not just going to be a fashion blog, it is going to be a lifestyle blog! Yay! It will now include DIY, hair tips, some recipes, promoting my favorite everyday things, interior design, give aways, and of course fashion tips same as usual. I hope you are as excited as I am!!

Todays outfit is called Floral with a hint of nerd. I am so happy that the weather is finally warm enough for my favorite sandals! The white studded flats are very comfortable and match so many different things! Just a tip for short sleeved button ups, button all the buttons! It adds a flare of nerdiness to your outfit which is ADORABLE!

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